Compliance management with Gitlab

Compliance management with Gitlab

by Veit Schiele — last modified Feb 14, 2021 07:40 PM
A compliance management system comprises all measures, structures and processes that are to be carried out in compliance with rules. With GitLab, compliance management can be realised that integrates seamlessly into the software development process and can be connected to other systems. This makes it easier for teams to keep up with changing regulations and emerging risks.

IEC 62304 compliance with GitLab

by Veit Schiele — last modified Feb 14, 2021 07:40 PM
The international standard IEC 62304 defines the requirements for the life cycle of medical device software. It prescribes processes, activities and tasks to improve the safety and effectiveness of a medical device through a comprehensive, risk-based approach to software development. In doing so, GitLab, as a platform that provides all the tools from project planning to safety testing, can contribute well to compliance with the requirements of IEC 62304.