enterPy on 6 May 2021
The enterPy is a conference for Python in Business, Web and DevOps. It is aimed at professionals who use Python productively in the company or intend to do so because they want to exploit the potential of the programming language in data analysis, machine learning, web programming or even in the DevOps environment.
- https://cusy.io/en/about/events/enterpy-on-6-may-2021
- enterPy on 6 May 2021
- 2021-05-06T09:00:00+02:00
- 2021-05-06T16:45:00+02:00
- The enterPy is a conference for Python in Business, Web and DevOps. It is aimed at professionals who use Python productively in the company or intend to do so because they want to exploit the potential of the programming language in data analysis, machine learning, web programming or even in the DevOps environment.
- What Featured
- When May 06, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 04:45 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Online
- Contact Name Veit Schiele
- Contact Phone +49 30 22430082
- Attendees Frank Hofmann
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Frank Hofmann will give a talk on Thursday, 6 May entitled «Version control in machine learning projects».
In this talk, you will learn by example how model development for machine learning (ML) can be systematically organised with DVC and scikit-learn. For example, the performance of a model can be improved if you fine-tune the parameters or if more training data becomes available. To be able to measure the improvement, it should be possible to track which data was used for training in which model definition and configuration and which model performance was achieved with it. Both the data and the associated Python code are recorded in one version.
For more information on the conference, look here: