enterPy on 15 April 2021
The enterPy is a conference for Python in Business, Web and DevOps. It is aimed at professionals who use Python productively in the company or intend to do so because they want to exploit the potential of the programming language in data analysis, machine learning, web programming or even in the DevOps environment.
- https://cusy.io/en/about/events/enterpy-on-15-april-2021
- enterPy on 15 April 2021
- 2021-04-15T09:00:00+02:00
- 2021-04-15T15:45:00+02:00
- The enterPy is a conference for Python in Business, Web and DevOps. It is aimed at professionals who use Python productively in the company or intend to do so because they want to exploit the potential of the programming language in data analysis, machine learning, web programming or even in the DevOps environment.
- What Featured
- When Apr 15, 2021 from 09:00 AM to 03:45 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Online
- Contact Name Veit Schiele
- Contact Phone +49 30 22430082
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Veit Schiele will give a talk on Thursday, 15 April entitled «Why gRPC? – and how to implement it in Python».
gRPC is a modern high performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework with defined IDL (Interface Definition Language). Since a client application can call a method on a server as if it were a local object, client-server applications can be created very easily. It supports most languages so that, for example, a Python service can also communicate with an Android Java client.
For more information on the conference, look here: