Introduction to Python

Python has become very widespread and one of the reasons is probably that it runs on many different platforms, from IoT devices to common operating systems and supercomputers. It can be used to develop applications and libraries. There are already countless software libraries that make your work easier.

Training objective

After the seminar you will not only have a basic overview of the language constructs and object-orientation in Python, you will also be able to write productive and maintainable code quickly. This can either be your own applications or libraries.

Target group

You have little or no experience with the Python programming language. However, some experience with another object-orientated programming language is a plus.

Course content

Day 1

  • About Python
  • Exploring Python
  • Python Coding Style
  • Variables
  • Data Types

Day 2

  • Control Flows
  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Libraries

Day 3

  • Object Orientation
    • classes
    • Variables
    • Methods
    • Inheritance
    • Private variables and methods

What we offer

In our in-house and online seminars, we customise the content exactly to your needs. We coordinate the content with you in advance. We will be happy to provide you with a customised offer.

Your advantages:

  • 📈 Coordinated content:
  • 💁 Personal preliminary discussion
  • 🤝 Customised content
  • 📖 Training documents
  • 📃 Certificate
  • 🧑‍💻 Trainers from the field
  • 🫴 Mentoring and 1:1 coaching


from €2,880 (plus VAT)

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Veit Schiele
Phone: +49 30 22430082

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