elena international: Web-based planning tool for microgrids
elena international is a startup company that provides customised solutions for various stages of power system planning.
First we realise a walking skeleton of a web-based planning tool for microgrids.
The chosen software architecture allows elena the further development of its Julia libraries. In the Web tool the adoption of new features takes place in IPython notebooks with PyJulia. These notebooks can also be used to define the voila-vuetify widgets for interacting with users. Finally, with Voilà, these notebooks are converted into an interactive dashboard:

To harden the notebooks for production, on the one hand we write tests for each method, which run regularly with GitLab CI/CD, and on the other hand we activate logging for fault diagnosis and monitoring.
So we are not only answering the question Are Jupyter notebooks ready for production?, we also extend the possibilities of notebooks: they serve an editor system, in which not only texts can be written and media added, but also the presentation logic of scientific calculations and interactive widgets can be defined.